Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Writing in Reverse

This next piece is called Writing in Reverse, and it is taken from Bill Sullivan's Photography Project.

Roger is his name and he had no car because he worked for a company that didn't pay him to well, so he had to take the subway to and from work. Today he is coming from work and going to a far away strip club because he doesn't want to be seen by anyone he knows. The name of the club is Pure Platinum and is located on the outskirts of town. His face shows he had a long day at work and he wants to relax, this is his way of relaxing because he doesn't have a girlfriend and still lives with his parents at the age of 42. Roger is in a hurry because he doesn't want to get stuck in the rush hour and the clib has happy hour in 20 minutes. He goes to this club because around this time he gets really stressed out at work and needs a break. However, today was his unlucky day, he was seen at the club by one of his co-workers. Adam came up to Roger and asked did I just see you in that strip club, and Roger didn't say anything and just walked away.
To be continued...

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