Thursday, October 8, 2009

Jeremy White Biography

Jeremy White was born in Sacremento on August 27th, 1975. At the young age of six his parents divorced and so he began to become close with his mother, he was majorly influenced by her. She taught him to think about others before he thinks about himself. He has 2 younger brothers and one younger sister. When he was in highschool he associated himself with the subculture of a musician, and he was influenced to become a musician at a young age because of his friend in elementary school, his friend was a drummer and very talented and this inspired him. When he looks back on his life he took three aspects that made his childhood great. Number one was the fact that his mom was a stay at home mother, number two was that his best friend even thirty-two years later is still his best friend lived next to him, and finally number three was that he had his younger siblings. Once he went to college he attended sacramento college and pursued a major in music. But after he graduated he started to get a feel of the live of a band member and saw how uneducated they were financially, so he began to pursue a career in financial business. He first started out with his own business in real estate but he didn't see that as a fit for him, so he then became a financial planner for Northwestern Mutual. He is the type of person that loves to travel for the reason that he enjoys seeing how people live and it shows him the aspects in his life he appreciates he has because he is an American. In his life time he has never had any regrets, but more so some bad decisions that he wishes he could change but they were chosen because that was the best choice with the knowledge he had at that moment. One thing that he is great at that should not be looked down upon is that he is a great listener, and he has a positive outlook on life, but he feels that because he at times would too much work load at once he could not go as far as he planned however, he is very satisfied with where he is as of now in his life, even though he would like to get further up the ladder of success like any other person would. In ten years he sees himself in Hawaii on vacation for a few months. The one thing he wants to share that he wishes everyone takes heed is to stay in school, learn all you can, and think through decisions.